Sunday 8 May 2016


·         Aim - To obtain the status of a Dominion (Self-Government)
·         Annie Besant was the First to launch the concept of Home Rule League in her Commonweal,2nd Jan 1914.
·         The Home Rule Movement was the Indian response to the First World War
·         Tilak and Besant set up their separate leagues to avoid any friction.

(28th April 1916) Advt. through Maratha & Kesari. Area occupied- Karnataka, Maharashtra(except Bombay), Madhya Province & Barrar. Advertise during Lucknow session 1916. It was more affective than Annie Besant.

(Sept 1916) First to plan this league on 2nd Jan 1914.Advt. through Commonweal and New India. Area Occupied- Area that were left from Tilak control. First to plan its Inaugration. M.Subramanyam was also involved. Base- Freedom, National Education, Social & political Development.

·        Fabiyan Movement was proposed by Annie Besant.
·        Collission of both Home Rule league as single Home rule Leage in 1918.
·        It was famous during First word war.

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